Virginia mclaurin birthdate

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    Virginia McLaurin

    Virginia McLaurin (March 12, 1909[2] – November 14, 2022) is an Americansupercentenarian and community volunteer[3] Born in South Carolina, she lived in Washington, D.C., before passing away in Olney, Maryland.

    Virginia mclaurin birthdate

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  • Her husband died in 1939 after a bar fight. She volunteers forty hours a week as a Senior Corpsvolunteer with the United Planning Organization's Foster Grandparents Program at the Roots Public Charter School. In 2013, McLaurin received a volunteer community service award from Mayor Vincent C.

    Gray in recognition of her voluntary work.[4]

    She gained national attention after a visit to the White House on February 18, 2016 to celebrate Black History Month, after which a video of her dancing with PresidentBarack Obama and First LadyMichelle Obama went viral on social media.[5]

    She celebrated her 108th birthday with the Harlem Globetrotters.[6]

    In March 2016, McLaurin received the President's Volunteer S