Louis tillman born february 14 1956

  • Louis tillman born february 14 1956
  • Louis tillman born february 14 1956 movie.



    BIRTHS 1956-1960


    From Rochester News Sentinel clippings compiled by Jean C. Tombaugh

    Copied to computer and indexed by Wendell C.



    = = = = = = = = = =


    RNS 1-3-56

    HISEY, unnamed son

              Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hisey, Rochester, are the parents of a son.

    BAMMERLIN, unnamed dau


    & Mrs. Dean Bammerlin, Macy, are the parents of a daughter.

    SHEARER, unnamed dau

              Mr. & Mrs. James Shearer, Rochester, are the parents of a daughter.

    CHALK, unnamed son


    & Mrs Robert Chalk, Rochester, are the parents of a son.

    TILLMAN Janet Elaine

              Hospital Corpsman third class and Mrs. Robert Tillman are the parents of a daughter, Janet Elaine, bor