Present perfect progressive

  • Present perfect progressive
  • Present perfect progressive

  • Present perfect progressive tense
  • Present perfect progressive examples
  • Present perfect progressive bildung
  • Past perfect progressive
  • Present perfect progressive examples.

    Present Perfect Progressive Tense in English Grammar

    What is the present perfect progressive?

    The present perfect progressive, also present perfect continuous, is the tense used for actions that began in the past and last until a present or almost present moment.

    The present perfect progressive is conjugated with the present tense of have, the past participle of be(been) and the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

    Learn how to use and conjugate the present perfect progressive tense in English grammar, then practise what you have learnt in the interactive exercises


    When to use the present perfect progressive

    The present perfect progressive expresses actions that started in the past and are still ongoing or recently completed in the present.

    When an action is still ongoing in the present, the present perfect progressive:

    —How longhave you been working at the gym?
    I’ve been working there for two weeks.
    I started the j